CQtober 2024 - Seam 14, Chevron Stitch


Chevron Stitch is another underutilized stitch.  I love how many ways it can be used!  

For this seam, I first stitched a tall narrow chevron in green.  Then I overlapped it with a shorter one in orange.  I wanted to add one more element to finish it off, and so I added the long pistil stitches in gold.  It looked so busy and there was nowhere to focus when looking at the seam.  So, I went back and added the short pistil stitches in the center of the long ones, and that brought the whole seam into focus!  

It's a busy seam, but in the end, I like how it turned out.  Lesson learned?  Don't be afraid to keep adding things if it's not working!  

This project is getting close to the halfway point.  Loving how the stitching is bringing it all together! 

Happy Stitching! 



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