Busy in Boulder!
Today ended with a lovely sunset! One of the things I will miss the most once my parents move from this house is the glorious view and the spectacular sunsets.
No stitching projects to share as my sister and I have been working hard, helping to downsize our folks, cleaning and refreshing things in preparation for a huge garage sale and to help them prepare to sell the house. The first room we tackled was the den with a lifetime accumulation of books, geneology research and more.
This is the west end of the room before.
The library end of the room before.
After going through everything, setting aside items for sale, things to save (in storage for now) and leaving out just what's needed including the birdwatching books that get used regularly, the library end of the room has a completely different look!
The west end of the room looks just as different! This room got a fresh coat of paint and new flooring as well as a slightly different rearrangement of furniture. New blinds will go up soon! After all this refreshing, the folks may never want to leave!