Beaded Collage and Altoid Tins
After a busy week at work, I had some time to finish the beading on the bead collage last night! Thanks so much to everyone who offered suggestions on how to finish this. I'm going to finish it so that it will sit on a little easel and so that it could be framed at a later date.
Today's the day I'm sending out the crazy quilted Altoid tins. I hope the recipients enjoy them! They were fun to create.
I don't have any trims in peach tones, and all cream looked a bit blah, so finishing this was a bit of a challenge. I ended up using some cream ruffled ribbon and added a bit of silk embroidery ribbon to bring the color through to the sides. I love the effect of the ruffled ribbon and wished I had used it on the next one too!
Some braided gimp, left over from an upholstry project matched the colors on this tin perfectly!
I wasn't terribly happy when I finished this tin. It just didn't seem quite "done" somehow. So despite the fact that it was all put together already, I added some lavender silk ribbon embroidery flowers and leaves. Much better now!
Next I have a number of round robin blocks to finish up before I work on anymore of my own projects! Lots of fun under the sea themed blocks to work on!
p.s. Featured on Needlework.Craft! Thanks Denise!
Kind of like how God is.
Thank you for sharing,
I really hope that you are in a position to show us more about covering these tins: they are Small Objects of Desire and many of us would LOVE to have a go at doing this!
As Marty C said, it would be lovely to see the insides, too!
With thanks for your inspirations,