Signs of Spring!

Signs of Spring!, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

Last year, after the little pots of tiny daffodils I'd bought for spring finished blooming, I planted them out on the bank. The soil was shallow and rocky and the foliage quickly died back. During the summer, the bank bakes in the sun and when it rains, the water quickly drains away. I never had much hope that any of these little bulbs would survive, much less bloom. But today, when I glanced out the window, this bright spot of yellow greeted me! What joy! Spring really is coming!

I enjoyed our travels around northern Arizona this past week, but after several days of seeing endless miles of desolate, rocky wasteland, which though spectacular in it's own way, I found it to be a bit draining on my soul. Since then I've been craving green growing things and a softer landscape. What a delight to find it, right where I planted it a year ago!

Upon further inspection, several other little clumps of daffodils and hyacinths planted about the same time, appear to be thriving and are about to burst into bloom! Usually after forcing, it takes bulbs a long time to recover enough to bloom, so I am doubly thrilled to see these delightful harbingers of spring!


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