Woven Cloth - Day 3
Thomas is my constant companion while I'm working. When he's nearby like this, it is a joy! Other times he is much more of a pest, continually putting his nose or paws right into my line of sight or attempting to lay down on top of what I'm working on ~ all accompanied by continuous meows of conversation. I alternately praise him, grumble at him and yes, even occasionally swear at him depending on the level of his interference. Once in a while he becomes Thomas the Flying Cat when I get irritated enough with him to toss him away for few moments. I think he likes it though as he is usually right back for more. Miss Mollie is also a constant companion, but she is much more polite about it, sitting at my side or nearby, moving from room to room with me, now and then she stands, front paws on my knee, asking politely with a little mew if she can sit in my lap for a bit. Who could resist?! I do love my kitty companions!

As I work on the woven cloth, I've been thinking a lot about how I work creatively and about what inspires me. Sometimes I envy those that create these great works of art with deep meaning and wonder if I can ever create such a work.

Then I get sidetracked by whimsy, adding things like felt bunnies to my block, and playing with interesting stitches.

I stitch trails of flowers because I love flowers and because I've fallen in love with this variegated pearl cotton the picks up the blues I've used in this block so well.

I stitch hearts of many colors and sizes because I'm having fun playing with padded applique and different fabrics. Also because I've loved the hearts I've seen in the handwork that others have done and simply because I just like the shape of hearts!

Maybe someone else can see the "deep meaning" behind the stitching on my blocks, but for me, it comes down to the joy of creating, the peace of stitching away with my kitty companions at my side and contentment at being able to create beauty by combining needle and thread with an assortment of scraps and tidbits of fabric that otherwise would be relegated to the rag bag. Rather like Rumplestiltskin spinning straw into gold, don't you think?
As I work on the woven cloth, I've been thinking a lot about how I work creatively and about what inspires me. Sometimes I envy those that create these great works of art with deep meaning and wonder if I can ever create such a work.
Then I get sidetracked by whimsy, adding things like felt bunnies to my block, and playing with interesting stitches.
I stitch trails of flowers because I love flowers and because I've fallen in love with this variegated pearl cotton the picks up the blues I've used in this block so well.
I stitch hearts of many colors and sizes because I'm having fun playing with padded applique and different fabrics. Also because I've loved the hearts I've seen in the handwork that others have done and simply because I just like the shape of hearts!
Maybe someone else can see the "deep meaning" behind the stitching on my blocks, but for me, it comes down to the joy of creating, the peace of stitching away with my kitty companions at my side and contentment at being able to create beauty by combining needle and thread with an assortment of scraps and tidbits of fabric that otherwise would be relegated to the rag bag. Rather like Rumplestiltskin spinning straw into gold, don't you think?
I do believe that you are redefining the crazy quilt...all the elements are there, you are just combining them in a new way.
I am curious about the clear bead trail that loops up and toward that beautiful flower trail...is it a bead crochet rope??
And the bunny is precious...*sigh..and so is the stitching...
I have been inspired to try this type of needlework as, i too cannot bear to throw away scraps of fabric but, hoard them!
I think your work is truly beautiful. I think your pusscat is gorgeous too, they are such wonderful company.
Thank you for sharing your cats and creations.
Sandie xx
I feel you've already become one of the masters, I love looking at your work! It inspires me.
PS. I referred to your CD Pincushion Tutorial on my blog. vbg