BJ's Garden

Front Hollyhocks, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

Several times now, I've been blessed with a visit to my Mom's friend BJ's garden in Colorado. Each visit has been delightful and if I could choose to live where ever I want, this house and garden would be my pick! We weren't there very long, so I was only able to get a few quick snapshots, but I had to share! Along the street, passersby are greeted by a profusion of hollyhocks! They have to be one of the worlds most cheerful flowers!

garage pot
A pot of flowers at the garage makes even the parking area beautiful!

Cottage Garden
The front garden is protected from the road by a tall fence, providing privacy and a nice sound barrier (along with all those hollyhocks!). Inside, a cottage garden grows in a secluded and peaceful setting! Here, my sister is examining more beautiful hollyhocks!

Hollyhocks BJs roses

glorious abandon
Flowers grow in glorious abandon ~ carefully tended I'm certain!

Vege Garden
A walk around to the back gives a view of the wonderful vegetable garden and greenhouses.

Vege Garden looking south
All along the fence line, BJ grows beautiful large Dahlias! Each one, the size of a dinner plate! I never had much fondness for dahlias until I saw them in BJ's garden!

Vege Garden looking North
Each bed in the vegetable garden grows as wonderfully lush as the cottage garden! Someday, I'd love to spend a few days (or weeks!) with BJ, learning how she creates and cares for her gardens! She is truly a master!


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