Checking the list...
I love lists! It is so gratifying to be able to go down the list and see exactly what needs to be accomplished and then mark them off. I love seeing all those items crossed off! Such a satisfying feeling! Here is my list for this stretch of days off.
1) Go scrapbooking with my sister. Well the scrapbooking event we were going to attend was cancelled, so we scrapbooked at my house instead. Check!
2) Memorial Day BBQ at my sister's. Check! It was somewhat hampered by the fact that we had 7 inches of snow over the weekend! Not exactly what I wanted to see at this time of year but the moisture is lovely. We did have a nice time socializing inside and the hamburgers and hotdogs done on the grill outside were just as yummy as if it had been a gorgeous day.
3) Finish sewing new dress from thrifted pattern. Check! The pattern altered well to meet my needs and I was able to nearly complete a work apron to go with it! Hope to post pictures of it in a day or two along with a second one!
4) Go to the Post Office to mail this lovely little Flower Fairy Dotee to its new owner in Illinois. Check!
5a) Meet my sister at the storage locker to transfer all my garage sale stuff (3 full pickup truck loads!) to her garage and 5b) get it priced so she and my brother-in-law can sell it at their annual neighborhood garage sale next weekend. Check! Check! Thankfully by Monday, the snow was all melted and the temperatures warmed back up into the 50's, so this ended up being a somewhat pleasant task! I'm so blessed to have such a generous sister and brother-in-law to help me all this as I have to work and will likely not be able to be there to help.
Getting that done led to the next item being possible.
6a) Rent smaller storage locker, 6b) move stuff and 6c) clean out old storage locker. Check! Check! Check! The added bonus is that it is less than half the cost! More funds to use towards debt reduction!
7) Move exercise bike from storage locker to the apartment to assist me in my weight loss efforts. Check! Once again, thanks to my sister and BIL!
Still have a few things to do before I go back to work at the end of the week.
8) Clean and rearrange the storage shed at the apartment using the new shelves I purchased.
9) Exchange my old cell phone for a new one as I have reached my service "anniversary."
10) Make Eye Dr. appointment. My eyes are getting old and I need new glasses both for distance and now also for working on sewing projects.
11) Make appointment with the Chiropractor. Last week while I was fixing my hair with my arms held overhead, I felt and heard a popping sound in my neck and shoulder and now my shoulder and arm are in pain all the time.
12) Make an appointment with the Dermatologist for a skin check up. I have such fair skin and am starting to get "spots". While I think they are just signs of me getting a little older, I need to get them checked out.
13) Call the antique dealer to come take a look and make me an offer on the last of the stuff I want to get rid of in my storage locker.
Don't you just love getting things done? I sure do!