April Pincushion for the CQJP 2014

April's pincushion for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP) 2014 has a rosy theme!

With this pincushion, I finished the last of the large pincushion blanks from my Unfinished Project pile! It was the pale rose on a piece of linen in it that inspired the theme.

I made the ribbon rose by combining procedures I learned from both Helen Gibb

Once the rose was completed, it inspired the rest of the stitching on the pincushion. There are thread woven spider web woven roses and silk ribbon Fargo roses.

Pink beads in coordinating colors complete the seam embellishments!

It's a cheery piece!

I love how dimensional the rose is. Like a corsage pinned onto the pincushion, dressing it up for Easter!

The base has my usual signature!
I have a long way to go, but I am so thankful for your tutorial!
I will have to check out the two ladies you gave links for.
Happy Creating ~ FlowerLady