Views of Southern Colorado

Sunrise Nov3 2010, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

The journey back to Arizona began in the wee hours of the morning and I was near Walsenburg when the sun came up. The band of clouds turned a startling red-orange. It fascinates me how the sky below the clouds glowed golden orange while above the clouds it was almost colorless.

Spanish Peaks with Alpenglo
When I turned to look the other direction, the Spanish Peaks were catching the Alpenglo as well as each wearing a cap cloud!

Goemmer's Butte near La Veta, CO
Each time I've come this way in the past, I've wanted to detour and take the "Highway of Legends" which circles around the Spanish Peaks. The road heads south from the lovely small community of La Veta and heads up into the mountains past this butte known as Goemmer's Butte. The early morning sun made the landscape glow!

Doe and fawns
South of La Veta, the mountainsides are covered with scrub oak. When I came around a corner and saw this doe and her two fawns browsing underneath a stand of scrub oak, I had to stop for a photo!

Wild Turkeys
Not more than a couple miles further down the road, a whole flock of wild turkeys flew across the road in front of the car and landed in the field! It's delights like this that I love about traveling! In all, the detour added a little over an hour onto my travel time, but for me it was well worth it!


Dolores said…
It was well worth the detour. Gorgeous photos. Thanks for showing them to us.
Anonymous said…
I love wild turkeys. When I go north they are plentiful and cross the roads in groups slowly. One has to be on guard at certain times of the year when traveling. I loved seeing the group you caught on camera as well as the other wonderful picturess. Mary
Anonymous said…
Magical photos Lisa...
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures. You are so lucky. I believe La Veta is where Judith Baker Montano lives and has her workshops. I hope to go to one some day.

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