Spring Visitors!
The landscape here is still mostly brown, but when I looked out the window this morning, I saw this little daffodil blooming! The first of the season! I planted these the first year I was here. The bulbs had been forced to bloom but I couldn't bear to discard them so dug holes in the bank and planted them. I imagine they'll be here long after I've moved on!
Earlier this week, my friend Mary and her husband Winston stayed with me for a couple of days. They are biking from Tucson to Salt Lake. Their trip from Tucson to Flagstaff took them about 6 days and they climbed about 6,000 feet in elevation ~ going from desert heat to mountain snow and fighting a headwind! Wow! What a journey! How great it was to have them here!
After a couple of days of rest and bicycle repairs, they headed out again. They had delightful weather to start the day! Safe journey Mary and Winston!