April Snow
Waking to a snow covered landscape on an Easter weekend morning is always a bit of a shock. Momentarily the spirit rebels at this intrusion of winter into spring. But here in the mountain desert of Arizona, where the land is dry and water precious, spring snow brings much needed moisture, so I resolved to accept it and went about lifting my dampened spirits by reading a bit of spring poetry and prose in one of my old books. I came across this passage of prose that mirrored my thoughts and thought I'd share it with you along with some images from the morning.
"How unkind!" murmured a golden crocus, as the flakes of snow fell fast and thick upon it. "How very unkind!" said a company of seedlings that were briskly putting up their little green heads, which the soft flakes soon covered. "How unkind!" said the bronze buds of the lilac. "How very unkind! just as we were opening to the sun that shone so kindly on us;" and they complained till the fleecy burden hid them, one by one.
And there was a white world. Then came the stern frost from the north, and the little fountains were sealed, and the snow over all things shone like a crystal case, and the bitter east wind raged fiercely, and all was silence, except where its dismal voice was heard. But it was hushed at last, and the sun came gently forth, and the soft and genial west winds blew and the streamlets were free again and the crystal dissolved, and the snow beneath sank quietly, gradually into the earth, saying to the complaining buds and blossoms,--
"Farewell! I sheltered you from the stern frost; I protected you from the angry blast. My work is so far done. Now, I go down to soften and enrich the earth, that you may be sustained and refreshed. When you have drunk in all its blessings, and are rejoicing in fullness of strength and beauty, remember me, whom you received with reproaches and endured with impatience, and acknowledge that He who approves my plan and work as well as yours, is the faithful Friend who always works to a good end."
~April 6 entry from "A Year of Beautiful Thoughts" by Jeanie A B Greenough, 1902
P.S. The ranunuculus seem to be such fragile flowers, but in reality they seem to revel in the cool temperatures. Their blossoms have never been more beautiful than they were this morning! I love the multihued tones of pink and rose in these blossoms!