Autumn Pillow Project, Seam 22 - Buttonhole Stitch


Buttonhole is an often underrated stitch.  It's very easy to stitch and is actually, the first stitch I teach when I teach beginning crazy quilting classes. If you can understand the concepts behind this stitch, all the others are much easier! Then, there are SO many ways to stitch buttonhole aka blanket stitch.  I'm considering doing a sampler entirely of buttohole stitch variations and came up with 78 different ways to stitch it, that don't include variations that include additions to it!  I'm certain there are probably more!  

I stitched this on a short seam, so it only took about 20 minutes to stitch the entire thing.  I think it took me longer to decide which variation to do and what threads to use!  

I did the primary seam in a size 8 gold pearl cotton.  Then added lazy daisies in green and French knots and lazy daisy flowers in orange.  It's a happy little seam!  

Happy Stitching!


Leslie's Garden said…
Very pretty. I love that stitch,
Lisa Boni said…
Isn't it a fun little stitch?!

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