Painting From Life
I haven't painted much in the past couple of months, so today, I got the easel set up again and had some fun painting! This is the best of three sketches I did today. It's a scene from the kitchen shelves. Painting mostly in white, ultramarine blue with a small amount of yellow ochre and just a teensy bit of burnt sienna. I like the almost monochrome look, but the bit of blue and yellow really brings it to life.
When I took the plein air painting workshop with Marc Hansen back in August, he had us do several of these value study boards. I thought it would be a good warm up to get me back to painting again. The two on the right are done with just black and white. the one on the left is the same as the one posted above, but before I had made a few small adjustments. Doing the top right one showed me that I needed to simplify what I was painting. I actually think the black and white one on the lower right might be the best int terms of line and shadow, but I like the brushwork and highlights on the lower left one better.
I've read before that painting white objects is more difficult than painting colored objects. I keep trying!
The paperwhites are in full glorious bloom right now!
Yesterday, my daughter and I got all the Christmas decorations put away. But we left the faux tree in the studio up and turned it into a Valentine tree! It has pink lights, and is covered in hearts, doves and fairies! We are stitching up a few more hearts for it. I'll have to take photos when the light is better.
My little white tree is also being transformed into a Valentine tree. By the way, the compliments on my pin cushion keep coming in. All are amazed at the story. Thank-you again, so much.