A New Keyboard!
My Christmas gift arrived! It's a new electronic keyboard! I've played piano since I was young, but for the past 6 years, I've been living in apartments where there is little space for a piano and truthfully, it would be too loud for the neighbors. Not to mention how difficult it is to move a baby grand! Thankfully, dear friends in Colorado have been storing my "real" piano for me all this time. But oh, how I've missed playing!
After receiving the keyboard, I made a trip to the storage locker to find my music. There are three boxes full. I was only able to get to one box without a major re-organization effort. How wonderful that it contained my favorite Christmas music as well as a small selection of the music books I most often played from! I also found a folder containing these old Christmas music books from my childhood! I was so pleased to find that even after not playing for 6 years, my fingers quickly fell into the old patterns! I'll never be a concert pianist, or even be able to accompany a choir, but there is something about being able to lose oneself in making music. It's a wonderful relief valve for all the emotion that otherwise stays bottled up inside, both good and bad.
My bit of Christmas stitching is complete! It seemed unbalanced so I added a dove bead to it. It's just a calm little bit of stitching, a bit of Christmas Peace.
The paperwhites are blooming! I tried a new variety this year called Bethlehem. The smell is gentler somehow than Ziva, which is the variety I've usually grown. These are supposed to be a little shorter, but so far, I can't tell the difference. How I love having fresh blooms in the midst of winter!
Have a sweet Christmas!