2010 in Retrospect

It's always amazing to go back at the end of the year and look through all the photos that show what I've done and where I've been. Each year I take more and more photos and it gets harder to choose what to share!

2010 Stitching, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

To start off the look back for 2010, I thought I'd share a mosaic of the stitching that I've done primarily for myself. As you'll see, it's quite a contrast with the stitching I've done on Round Robins over the year!

2010 Round Robin Stitching
The Round Robins for 2010 involved lots of color! They forced me to work in a much brighter palette than falls within my comfort zone, but each one ended up being wonderful to work on! While 2011 will also include some round robins, I hope to focus a bit more on my own work this year.

2010 Best Landscapes
Between April and November, I made 9 trips between Flagstaff and my folks home in Colorado! It was lovely to see the desert southwest through the seasons as well as the mountains of Colorado. I was blessed on several occasions to be in the right spot at the right time for some fabulous photographs.

Flowers and Leaves 2010
Along the way, I've loved taking photographs of the flowers and fauna of my surroundings, whether that be the bulbs blooming in winter in my home or the amazing wildflowers to be found, each in their own season, no matter where one travels. Often, these end up being my very favorite photos!

But as I look back through the year, I have two ultimate favorites. They aren't the photos of grand landscapes of or delicate flowers or even of beautiful stitching, but rather they are the cherished photos of my family.

My Mom and Dad
My Mom and Dad, taken this past spring in the back yard of their new home. My Dad has advanced Alzheimer's and my Mom has been taking care of him at home this past year. I love this photograph, which caught them on a day when my Dad was alert and aware!

Kids Thksgvng 2010
This photo of my kids was taken at Thanksgiving. From left to right, my oldest, Jonathan and his girlfriend Becca, Jessie, Stephen and his fiance Amanda, my youngest son, Zach. (my foster son Gary was with his family, so isn't in the picture) It was so wonderful to have all the family around the table, to sit and laugh and have a wonderful day together along with my folks, my sister and her husband as well as Amanda's Mom. Even taking pictures, the kids were laughing and teasing (mostly about me, taking hundreds of photos!) and it was such a happy day! One to live in the memory for a long time.

So 2010 is leaving us, with lots of memories behind and photographs to help remember the year by. 2011 is almost on the doorstep. Like Bilbo Baggins, I think about the road to come.

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate;
And though I oft have passed them by,
A day will come at last when I
Shall take the hidden paths that run
West of the Moon, East of the Sun.
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

I wish each of you a wonderful journey through the coming year, filled with blessings and joy and beautiful surprises. I wish you the warm love of family and friends to sustain you along the way!
Peace be to you my friends!


Julie said…
What a wonderful year and a beautiful photograph of your parents. May everything you wish for us come back to you tenfold. Happy New Year!
Anonymous said…
And Peace to you.

Your photographs are beautiful as well as your stitching. I look forward to more in the new year. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Such a joy to be reminded of some of the art you've shown us over the past year. The happiest of everything to you and yours in the coming year!
John'aLee said…
I love your mosaics! And what a beautiful family. Darling pic of mom and dad.
Have a wonderful New Year.
hpk said…
West of the moon, east of the sun. Between sunrise and sunset. The new year is filled with possibilities. Love to you, hpk
Adrienne said…
Thank you for all the beauty you've added to my life this past year, my friend. Wishing you a wonderful and Happy New Year.
Anonymous said…
Peace to you too Lisa. If I had to pick just one project I would not be able to do it, I love them all. I'm so sorry your dad has Alzheimer's and I pray your mom will have strength to continue caring for him. I wish you a very Blessed 2011. Mary
NickiLee said…
Happy New Year Lisa. Your pictures are beautiful! As always, thank you for sharing such pretty eye candy.

Best weishes for a happy and healthy New Year.
Susan Elliott said…
Oh, how I love you beautiful Lisa. Your blog brings me great joy and peace and delight. You create such beauty with your hands, with your camera, with your life. I have enjoyed all of your trips, your projects and your perspective and wish you great health and happiness for your new journey.

And, the Tolkien reference....what can I say...I adored it. Re-read it. And adored it all over again. I'm copying it now to contemplate.

Wishing you continued blessings and beauty...and so thankful that you share it with us. Susan
Rose Anne B said…
Lisa that is a wonderful recap of your year and I especially LOVE the picture of your parents! That is so special! Take care!
What wonderful collages you have put together of the last year - I love these photos!

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