My Stitching Corner
This is the corner of my living room where I sit and stitch. The boxes on the shelves are filled with color sorted embellishments, beads, lace, embroidery thread and ribbon. From this spot, I have a nice view out the window to my left and should I chose, I can easily watch a movie from this spot as well. The binoculars on the table are ever ready to spot a passing bird! I must admit that it gets a bit more chaotic than this when I'm deep in the throes of a project! I love how light and cheery it is at this time of the year!

Inchies 4 and 5 are complete!

There is something so innocent and childlike about clover blossoms. Maybe it is remembering spring and summer days spent gathering blossoms, pulling them apart to suck out the teensy sweet drops of nectar! Or the hours spent with my friends hunting for 4 leaf clovers in the grass. I never found any that I remember, though I had friends who seemed to have a gift for spotting them!

Seeing the first bright blooms of the forsythia in the early days of spring always gives me such a lift! Such a joyful sight after a long bleak winter!

Here is the whole sampler so far. It's really not that crooked, but I had it draped across the back of my chair! I didn't want to take the time to retake the picture as I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my son the Marine and his girlfriend!

Inchies 4 and 5 are complete!

There is something so innocent and childlike about clover blossoms. Maybe it is remembering spring and summer days spent gathering blossoms, pulling them apart to suck out the teensy sweet drops of nectar! Or the hours spent with my friends hunting for 4 leaf clovers in the grass. I never found any that I remember, though I had friends who seemed to have a gift for spotting them!

Seeing the first bright blooms of the forsythia in the early days of spring always gives me such a lift! Such a joyful sight after a long bleak winter!

Here is the whole sampler so far. It's really not that crooked, but I had it draped across the back of my chair! I didn't want to take the time to retake the picture as I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my son the Marine and his girlfriend!
Ann Flowers
Best wishes,