Christmas Planner
As you may have noticed, I've been thinking about Christmas lately. I have been trying to think of ways to make the season meaningful and joyous and came up with the list below of things I love about Christmas and things I love to do.
* Decorating my home
* Candlelight
* Enjoying the Christmas lights in the community
* Baking Christmas cookies and breads
* Christmas Carols
* Attending a Messiah sing-a-long
* Attending a local production of "The Nutcracker"
* Attending a midnight Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
In the past, I've found it all too easy to let the things pass by that I enjoy, simply because I didn't take time to plan, so this year, I've made a small Christmas planner to help me keep track.
The idea came from several I saw on Organized Christmas. It starts with a regular file folder (which I happened to have in red!), then folded to make pockets and a small accordian style booklet. I used scrapbooking papers to cover each section and pocket, adding titles to the pockets to fit my needs. In each pocket, I placed several sheets of cardstock/paper with the tops trimmed a border punch for a festive touch. A ribbon tie keeps it closed when not in use! Now my lists will be at hand and hopefully I won't misplace them!
On the back, I placed a December Calendar, created in MS Word. Here I'll keep my schedule for the month so I don't forget those important events I want to participate in! The nice thing about this planner is that it is small enough to fit in my purse or work bag so I can keep it with me throughout the season!