Even my walls seem to be having sea dreams lately! The above picture was taken of the changing light on the living room wall. It fascinates me how light can take something plain and boring and change it into a wonderland!
Thank you to everyone who left a comment for the mermaid dotee drawing! I used a random integer generator to choose a number from 1 to 17 and it choose 10. Congratulations to Louise who left the 10th comment! Send me your snail-mail address Louise, and this mermaid will be on her way to you!

Autumn here fades slowly away in muted shades of amber, ochre and russet. Using the photo editor, I played with today's photo of the oaks out side my apartment to give it the feeling of a painting.
I must admit that I have been going through a bit of a dry spell creatively. Instead, I am using the time to organize years worth of photographs that have been stacked randomly in a storage tub. So many memories are brought to life by going through these! Soon, I hope that they will all be stored neatly in albums in chronological order! Then I hope to begin scrapbooking a few of my favorite memories from them. I won't try to scrapbook all of them, but rather I'll choose the special moments and include the scrapbook pages right in the photo albums. The owner of our local scrapbook store has been doing this and I love the idea! You can read about her scrapbook project HERE. In the end, this seems a much simpler solution!
Thank you to everyone who left a comment for the mermaid dotee drawing! I used a random integer generator to choose a number from 1 to 17 and it choose 10. Congratulations to Louise who left the 10th comment! Send me your snail-mail address Louise, and this mermaid will be on her way to you!
Autumn here fades slowly away in muted shades of amber, ochre and russet. Using the photo editor, I played with today's photo of the oaks out side my apartment to give it the feeling of a painting.
I must admit that I have been going through a bit of a dry spell creatively. Instead, I am using the time to organize years worth of photographs that have been stacked randomly in a storage tub. So many memories are brought to life by going through these! Soon, I hope that they will all be stored neatly in albums in chronological order! Then I hope to begin scrapbooking a few of my favorite memories from them. I won't try to scrapbook all of them, but rather I'll choose the special moments and include the scrapbook pages right in the photo albums. The owner of our local scrapbook store has been doing this and I love the idea! You can read about her scrapbook project HERE. In the end, this seems a much simpler solution!