A Day of Lovely Things
This lovely geranium is blooming profusely at the moment. If you look closely at the picture, you will see that it is growing up through a lamp! For months, this geranium stayed small and rather wimpy. Though the windowsill gets wonderful late afternoon sun, I thought maybe it just wasn't getting enough light, so I moved it under a nearby lamp. Immeadiately it started growing and the leaves got bigger till now they range from 3 to 5 inches in diameter! It kept growing up into the lamp. I kept pulling it out of the lampshade, but the next day, I'd go back and there it would be again, so I finally let it be. It must really like the compact flourescent light! Doesn't it look happy?! It makes me happy to see its beautiful blooms!
It has been a lovely warm day here. The snow is melting, the sun shining and best of all, it was warm enough for the first time since last autumn to sit and drink my tea on the patio! Without a jacket on! As I sat there sipping my tea, the birds started to come. I had my sketchbook so was able to sketch the birds up close. They were completely unconcerned about my presence less than two feet away! How lovely!
It has been a productive day as well. Out of my stash, I pulled some fabric that I've had for ages. Once upon a time, it was destined to cover the cushions on a wooden sofa. In the way things happen, this purpose was never fulfilled and the fabric has been sitting at the bottom of a storage tub for nearly 8 years.
The goal this time was to make some fabric, reusable grocery bags. I had three pieces of fabric and the top piece was enough to make 6 bags, 3 are a regular grocery tote bag size, about 18" in circumference by 15" deep. The 3 smaller ones are the same circumference but only 12" or so deep. Perfect for heavier loads of cans and things or maybe to take to the bookstore. I'm so pleased with the way they came out! How I love days where I can look and see exactly what I've accomplished by the end of the day!
I told you once before that I tend to buy fabric in large amounts. It appears that I have enough fabric for, are you ready for this?! At least another 20 bags or so! May just have to make some of these up to sell! Or find another project for the yards of fabric I still have left!
Other lovely parts of the day include getting a package of books from a friend! Heaven to have new books to read that someone else has chosen for me! Another was getting out the box of Easter decorations! What fun to look through all the things that have been packed away for the past two years! Now there is enough time left in the day to indulge in a good Jane Austen movie and cuddle with the kitties for the evening!