Blank Books and Blotters

A new blank book always intrigues me. So many possibilities! I'm always copying down a bit of scripture or a quote that inspires me. I also make lots of lists, some written, some visual. And I also like to sketch out ideas for things, whether it be how to decorate a new living space, ideas for crafting or just because something has captured my interest. My old blank book goes with me many places. It's a nice size, about 4 1/2 x 6" with pretty handmade paper with blossoms in it and a clear vinyl cover to keep it clean and make it durable. It fits nicely in my handbag or tote bag.

Unfortunately, my book is nearly full and I've been looking for another blank book of similar size. Most have lines which don't make them very nice for sketching ideas out or are significantly larger. Recently I discovered small Moleskin makes cahiers (I had to look it up. A cahiers is: "a number of sheets of paper put together for binding or bound loosely" per Webster's) that are 3 1/2 x 5 1/2". They are small, lightweight and plain boring black.

I'd seen some sweet book covers of fabric in some Japanese publications and decided to make my own. A little embroidered bunny provides a nice friendly touch! Insides a bit of lace holds the flap and sweet calico lines the linen cover. Next time, I'll make the flap just a bit longer so it holds under the lace better.

Along the same lines, I keep a sheet of cardstock at the computer to use as a blotter. Here I sketch out ideas I've seen online, take notes, cut and paste things, take phone messages or write down internet links. It keeps my work space free from a clutter of bits of paper and gives me a defined workspace. When the sheet gets full, I replace it with a new one. The old one is either discarded if filled with mundane stuff or kept in my idea file.


How sweet are you sketches and doodles???
Lisa, I came for a visit and I'm so glad I did. Your blog is so peaceful, I'll be visiting often. I love everything about it, your placements, your serenity and visual poetry. Pink roses are my favorite of all, but sometimes I love red ones, depends on how I'm feeling. Thanks for quieting my sole. Marcia :-)

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