The Last Goodbye
Miss Mollie Kitty
December 1999 to October 6, 2015
My heart breaks tonight. Dear Mollie Kitty, kitty of my heart and my constant companion for these past nearly 16 years passed away in my arms tonight.
What a gift she was in my life. Though she really started out as a gift for my daughter on her birthday in the year 2000 from her then boyfriend. We had lost our two kitties in our house fire, and Jessie's boyfriend wanted to get her a new kitty.
We tried hard to get Mollie to bond with Jessie. Had her sleep in Jessie's room, Jessie fed and watered her, cleaned the kitty box, gave her treats (or attempted to at least!) But from that first day (you can see her struggling to get away from Jesse in this photo), Mollie instead chose me right from the start. And me, I think I fell in love with her right away too. We have joked for years that she was Jessie's best birthday present that I ever got.
So many tales to tell of her life with us.
Mollie seemed to know just what we would think was cute. While gathering Christmas decorations to put away on her first Christmas, we found her posing with the wreath!

Sometimes, she helped me keep the plants pruned - although from my perspective, they usually didn't need it! She was very fond of pansies, shamrocks and angel vine!
Much of the time, she was sitting in my lap with her paws on the table in front of me. She did this when I was at the computer as well.

Mollie loved water and could sometimes be found playing in it. More often she was looking for a drink from anywhere *except* the water bowl. Running water was her favorite and she'd wake me in the middle of the night to turn the faucet on for her by knocking things into the sink or off the counter until I'd get up. Any cup of water left sitting out was fair game and if the water level was too far down for her to reach with her tongue, she'd dip her paw in and lick it off until she'd had her fill.

She even put up with our silliness at Christmas time, though I'm not sure how happy she was about that!
Mollie was a terrific traveler! Her companion Thomas was NOT! Mollie happily would put on the harness and leash for walks and car travel. Thomas on the other hand got terribly car sick. Mollie would sit in front of his carrier to calm him down. Both kitties have been to many states. Mollie easily made herself at home wherever she was, so long as I was there with her. Here, they are in the motel in Santa Fe, NM.

Mollie was about a year and half old when Thomas joined the family. Mollie was such a tough little cat, that we worried she would damage teeny Thomas who was barely 6 weeks old when he came to us. But they ended up wonderful companions even if they did take turns antagonizing one another from time to time. As you can see, tiny Thomas far outgrew little Mollie! Mollie weighed in at about 7 lbs at her peak weight, but was closer to 5 lbs most of her life. Thomas however was up to 24 lbs at his peak, but with a careful diet, now weighs in at about 19 lbs.

When it came to other people though, Mollie only tolerated them, though she loved to be the center of attention in a room full of family. She was very particular about who could touch her or whose lap she would sit on. One veterinarian that we went to, told me after he nearly injected himself with her rabies vaccine, not to bring her back! She did not like him at all and was quite vicious towards him. All 5 lbs of her definitely got the better of a full grown man on that day! Thankfully, we found other veterinarians more willing to care for her and ones that Mollie liked better too!
Mollie was pretty particular about who could sit in "her" chair. Those who didn't meet with her approval received a "tail beating". She would sit on the back of the chair, growl, and thwap her tail against whoever was in the chair that she didn't like. It was a pretty strong tail, so the person on the receiving end really felt it! My Mom in particular was a frequent recipient of such treatment, though in later years Mollie mellowed a bit and tolerated her better. It was so pointed an action that it really was rather funny to the rest of us watching!

She loved sitting any any box or basket that was available!
Mollie loved to sit amongst the plants and look out the window.
Sometimes, she helped me keep the plants pruned - although from my perspective, they usually didn't need it! She was very fond of pansies, shamrocks and angel vine!
If I was sewing, you can be certain that Mollie was there helping me.
Much of the time, she was sitting in my lap with her paws on the table in front of me. She did this when I was at the computer as well.

Mollie loved water and could sometimes be found playing in it. More often she was looking for a drink from anywhere *except* the water bowl. Running water was her favorite and she'd wake me in the middle of the night to turn the faucet on for her by knocking things into the sink or off the counter until I'd get up. Any cup of water left sitting out was fair game and if the water level was too far down for her to reach with her tongue, she'd dip her paw in and lick it off until she'd had her fill.

At holidays, we traditionally set up a jigsaw puzzle and she always had to participate! Here she is with my Dad about 10 years ago.

She even put up with our silliness at Christmas time, though I'm not sure how happy she was about that!
Mollie was a terrific traveler! Her companion Thomas was NOT! Mollie happily would put on the harness and leash for walks and car travel. Thomas on the other hand got terribly car sick. Mollie would sit in front of his carrier to calm him down. Both kitties have been to many states. Mollie easily made herself at home wherever she was, so long as I was there with her. Here, they are in the motel in Santa Fe, NM.

Mollie was about a year and half old when Thomas joined the family. Mollie was such a tough little cat, that we worried she would damage teeny Thomas who was barely 6 weeks old when he came to us. But they ended up wonderful companions even if they did take turns antagonizing one another from time to time. As you can see, tiny Thomas far outgrew little Mollie! Mollie weighed in at about 7 lbs at her peak weight, but was closer to 5 lbs most of her life. Thomas however was up to 24 lbs at his peak, but with a careful diet, now weighs in at about 19 lbs.

Mollie often made it into my paintings.

Mollie was my best friend; my constant companion; and the light of my life. I 'd like to think she felt the same way about me. With me, she was the sweetest kitty imaginable.
When it came to other people though, Mollie only tolerated them, though she loved to be the center of attention in a room full of family. She was very particular about who could touch her or whose lap she would sit on. One veterinarian that we went to, told me after he nearly injected himself with her rabies vaccine, not to bring her back! She did not like him at all and was quite vicious towards him. All 5 lbs of her definitely got the better of a full grown man on that day! Thankfully, we found other veterinarians more willing to care for her and ones that Mollie liked better too!
Mollie was pretty particular about who could sit in "her" chair. Those who didn't meet with her approval received a "tail beating". She would sit on the back of the chair, growl, and thwap her tail against whoever was in the chair that she didn't like. It was a pretty strong tail, so the person on the receiving end really felt it! My Mom in particular was a frequent recipient of such treatment, though in later years Mollie mellowed a bit and tolerated her better. It was so pointed an action that it really was rather funny to the rest of us watching!
Mollie was my delight. The smartest kitty that I've ever had the privilege of knowing. There are so many stories I could share about her. But mostly, what mattered, is that she has been the best kitty of my life. Oh Mollie Kitty... I am going to miss you so very much.

Such a pretty girl. My sweet Mollie.
How blessed you have made my life these past 16 years dear Mollie Kitter. How grateful I am for the gift that God gave me in you. I am heartbroken at having to say goodbye.
xx, Carol
I too, believe they are gifts from God.
Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady
I had the some problem with my cat who was a part or our life during 18 years.
Now Mollie is in the cat´s paradise.
Blessing for you and your familly.