Last Flowers of Autumn

Our first freeze warning of the season was last night, so yesterday afternoon, I decided it was time for one last look around the garden. The "Lady of Shallot" rose is still blooming beautifully. For someone who isn't terribly fond of the color orange, it has strangely become a favorite with it's warm pink tinged orange hues. It blooms non-stop all summer long with only brief pauses.

Another favorite rose, "Boscobel" has also bloomed almost non-stop. I loved how the late afternoon sun was shining through it.
This bee was happy to snuggle down amongst the petals. I can't blame him. What a lovely bed!

Another of the "Lady of Shallot" blooms. Just glorious!

The rugosa roses have many large hips!

The main garden beds have gone a bit overgrown this year. The mosquitos were so bad much of the summer and the early summer rains so frequent, that it was sadly neglected this year. But despite that, it still featured an abundance of blooms. Until this past week, the hollyhocks and delphiniums were still in blossom!

The grape leaves glow against the red of the Virginia Creeper. Next year I hope to have grapes! These grapevines came from my Uncle David. It's such a fun thing to have plants in the garden that come from family and friends!

Yellow is another of my "least favorite" colors. Though I do love daffodils in the spring. I also love this soft yellow blanket flower and the green heads it leaves behind that soften into fuzz as the season passes.

In the porch beds, the alyssum that self seeded from the previous year has taken over. I hope it seeds again for this coming year! The sweet smell is glorious! There are a few last buds on the pink Rugosa rose.

Next to the garden tuteur, the last of the summer's cosmos still bloom. I love the mix of flowers and seedbeds from the feverfew and the nearly spent spires of mint flowers.
The gaura saves its blossoms for the end of the season. Last year it was spindly and sparse, but this year there are cascades of pink and white butterfly blossoms!

The clematis on the arbor has also put on a last minute display. In truth, there are more blossoms on it now than at any time in the past!

Rather than lose all those lovely flowers to a freeze, I opted to cut many of them and created a lovely bouquet to bring inside. Just glorious!
Thank you for sharing ~ have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady
Me...I must be the deer whisperer. I back up to the woods, and those roses wouldn't last two nights. So glad I can "garden" at your house.
And your photography...*sigh*...just grand. really.