The Importance of Patience
Last night, I was so excited about finishing my block that I went ahead and took photos of it in the bright artificial light that supposedly is daylight balanced. This morning, I went back to take some additional photos and when I compared them, the difference is obvious! I need to learn to be patient and wait for better light to photograph in!
I also noted this morning, that having the iron on tricot backing on the blocks prevents them from being blocked as well as I would like and in the open spaces, the fabric wrinkles and I'm not able to block it out. It's something I need to watch when leaving larger open areas without stitching. I definitely prefer stitching without it. Just my personal preference, but a note I thought I'd share. I do like the added stiffness of the finished block, so for future use, I think I'll wait to add the tricot until I've finished stitching and blocking. Since I pre-made all my blocks for this year, I'll have to work around it for now.

One of the things I mentioned last post about this block is how I wanted it to be able to be viewed from any direction. So here is a mosaic of the block rotated in different directions. I'm so pleased with how the block works in all directions, though the lower right is my least favorite direction.

About that seam of carrots... I added a pink bead to the top of each one. Voila! Carrots no longer! It's another spot where a bit of patience was called for. Rather than hurrying to finish and not being happy with it, it's better to wait and let things marinate in the mind before calling something done! I'm so much happier with this seam now.
A close up of the flower patch with correct color. I really love this patch and it is something I hope to copy over to every other block in my CQJP 2015 project, though the flowers will vary from block to block!

Feather Stitch #7 for Joyful Embellishments!
Rebecca G.
As for the tricot backing, I hate to say it, but I hate it. As a person who does a lot of stumpwork and embroidery, it's a beast on my ribbon and metals. Though the river silks ribbon manages it the best, I don't always like the stiffer nature of that brand. All that being said, I have yet to make a full quilt but I have learned that I love stitching on a frame or with my piece under tension by pinning my work to a sewing ham. Never thought about your mosaic idea but its a great challenge to consider. My fave orientation is bottom left. SOOO glad I stopped by to see this day-brightening beauteousness! Happy Happy New Year Beautiful Lisa!!