Playing in the Dirt!
As I was straightening things up at home today, I realized that my house plants were in dire need of some freshening up! After covering the counters, I mixed up some nice potting soil and repotted almost every plant in the apartment! The miniature African violet had 3 plants growing in one tiny pot! I separated them into new pots. Getting repotted always stresses them, so I hope they all do well and enjoy their fresh dirt!
I had a variegated spider plant that had become way too large for its pot, so it was divided into two! Usually the spider plant resides on top of one of the bookshelves, but I moved it into the light until it settles into the new pot.
All the geraniums were repotted as well! They tend to get so leggy at this time of year, especially in my apartment where the sun comes in for such a short time each day. Hopefully they'll like this spot in front of the big window that gets the most sun. The last pot of Paperwhites is starting to grow!
This philodendron got a big haircut a few weeks ago when I removed over 8 feet from each of the branches! I moved it up onto the wall shelf temporarily to make space for the second spider plant on the shelf where it usually sits.
The little daffodils and hyacinth are still blooming beautifully! Is it spring yet?
The top of the china cabinet got redecorated.
The "garden" corner looks a little fresher now. It's where the garden statuary resides. One of these days I'll have a garden again and these will find homes outside once again. How lovely it was to enjoy an afternoon playing in the dirt and sprucing things up a little bit!