Sea Dreaming continues!
I hadn't planned on purchasing any more embellishments for this block, but when I saw these darling little fish beads, I knew they "belonged" on this piece! The little blue and white tatted edging has been the most frustrating thing to work with on this wall hanging. I've started and then "frogged" several different methods of attaching it. Finally, I arrived at this simple chain stitch (which could be more even but I'm not ripping it out again!) to attach it. At last, Im reasonably happy with it.
For a long time, I debated if I really wanted to add a "button/bead" cluster to this piece but once these elements came together, it seemd like a good thing. It adds a nice counter balance to the seashell/starfish corner and the little fish above.
The lace cloud is coming along. I used a variation of a cast on stitch to fill in missing pieces of lace. Next, I'll add beads a possibly a bit of silk ribbon to finish it off. And just maybe, I'll add a seagull or two floating on the breeze.
I'm excited to have this block nearing completion! One more seam treatment, some work on the cloud and then it's time to add the border of a lovely creamy silk dupoini! I've so many ideas for more projects as well as things I want to make for Christmas gifts, that I need to get some of the current projects finished and out of the way!
For a long time, I debated if I really wanted to add a "button/bead" cluster to this piece but once these elements came together, it seemd like a good thing. It adds a nice counter balance to the seashell/starfish corner and the little fish above.
The lace cloud is coming along. I used a variation of a cast on stitch to fill in missing pieces of lace. Next, I'll add beads a possibly a bit of silk ribbon to finish it off. And just maybe, I'll add a seagull or two floating on the breeze.
I'm excited to have this block nearing completion! One more seam treatment, some work on the cloud and then it's time to add the border of a lovely creamy silk dupoini! I've so many ideas for more projects as well as things I want to make for Christmas gifts, that I need to get some of the current projects finished and out of the way!