Happiness has been on my mind lately through discussions with friends, to the reading I'm doing at the moment (Victor Frankl's, "Man's Search for Meaning"). One of my "adopted" grandmas used to say, "Keep a green bough in your heart and a singing bird will come." I love that saying and have found it to be so true. So in this post, I thought I'd share with you a couple of the things that make me happy!
One of the things that makes me happy is the process of creating things, whether it is some thing small and crafty, writing a story, designing a dream cottage, gardening, or painting a picture. In the photo above, I was working along and suddenly was struck at how my work area was so lovely, strewn with the bits and pieces of what I was working on and had to take a picture!
Here is the lovely Easter Dotee I was making and a closer look at the beading on her. Making these sweet things makes me happy! Part of the happiness is the anticipation of making someone else happy when they receive the crafted item!
Dreaming is also one of the things that makes me happy. One of my longheld dreams is Rosebud Cottage, a tiny cottage design I have been working on for many years! Someday, I'd love to build Rosebud Cottage, but for now, just playing with the plans and ideas gives me a great deal of happiness! Here is one of my visions of what Rosebud Cottage looks like from the front.
This is an imagined landscape plan of Rosebud Cottage. Surrounded by gardens, appletrees, a green house, a large enclosed Gazebo for entertaining family and friends in, space to keep chickens and sheep. It's my idea of paradise!
I'd love to know what makes you happy!