Wedding Photos - Part Two
The Ceremony

Jessie and David before the wedding. The nearby park was a beautiful setting for their wedding photos!
Once their photos were finished, the wedding party walked down the street to the next photo shoot location. I wonder what the neighbors thought of the wedding party entourage passing by?!

Jessie and her bridesmaids. From left to right: Sarah, Lena, Jessie, Cassie and Elizabeth.

David and his groomsmen. From left to right: Keith, Will, David and Gary.

A pensive moment for the Bride and her Court before the wedding.

Fun with umbrellas! This photo captures the quirky fun that this lovely group of young women have together!

Can't leave the groom and his men out of the fun!
The wedding party!

Cassie was a lovely Maid of Honor for Jessie! I have to add a plug here for Cassie, who has recently written a book, Growing with God
, on the importance of being right with God first and foremost, regardless of whether single or married.

While the wedding party photos were being taken, the final touches were put in place for the ceremony.
Jessie wanted a wildflower look for the altarpiece bouquet. This was the only large bouquet that Holly and I didn't make! The florist did a lovely job and fit it to the antique iron urn beautifully.

And finally the moment arrived. David waiting for his bride.
Jessie and her Dad.
A beautiful Bride.
The ceremony.
Jessie's dear friends from church, Ed and Jaima, were the wedding officiants.
A kiss to seal the marriage.
Married! Jessie and David walked down the aisle in a shower of flower petals, to the ringing of bells, and the joyous music of Handel's "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba"
So lovely!