
The side porch has become an oasis of calm amidst all the work taking place. The little wooden table looks so much better painted white! Anytime I need a break during the day while I'm working, I come and sit here for a few minutes. Most of the daily meals are being eaten out here at the moment as well! It's definitely my favorite outdoor spot in the whole yard!

My oldest son Jonathan and I, with a little help from his girlfriend Becca, were able to get the lilac bed and side steps framed in! I planted three lilac bushes here, which I hope will grow into a nice hedge eventually!

I finished the steps off with a mix of flagstone and pebble mosaic. I'll sweep some polymeric sand in the cracks to give it some added stability. The top section needs a couple more inches of dirt before I can lay the flagstone there. Eventually, the garbage cans will sit just to the right and be fenced off so they aren't as visible.

My daughter Jessie and I were able to finish the better part of the arbor yesterday! We still need a little help from one of the taller sons to help screw the top lattice boards down! For me, having the arbor up is the thing that really pulls all the work we've been doing together! I'm so excited to be able to plant some new roses at long last! It's a little late for planting roses, but I'm hoping that with some TLC, they will do ok.

The one thing I'm not entirely sure of yet, is whether or not to paint the arbor white. Eventually, there will be a pergola attached to the back of the garage (on the left) and it will be painted white. I'm thinking the arbor will also need to be painted in order to match. I am thinking it will look better with the house in the long run, even though it will take more maintenance. And photos of roses always look lovely against white! I'd love to hear opinions on what you think I should do with the arbor!
Today the landscapers are here putting new mulch down around the house where they tore out truckloads of overgrown weeds and unwanted shrubbery! They are also reseeding the lawn and fixing the bare spots. The fence installers are due soon and will put in a two rail white fence around the perimeter of the yard. Then the landscapers will be back to redo the area between the fence and the street! Should all be looking wonderful by the wedding at the end of July!
I thought painting the arbour green, although white would be lovely too. I have a friend with a similar one. She has a climbing Cherokee rose over it and it looks lovely when it's in flower. Tara has a deep pink rose over her arbour.
Val x
love the cozy side getaway...Sandie
I love the table with the pretty chairs and cushions, it must be so nice to stop and think for a while in such a lovely spot.
I am also loving the Arbor, I am also working on my outside space and this has given me some ideas!