My Mother's Garden

Raindrops on Roses
Even though my Mother is gone, her garden continues to grow and bloom.  Everything has been early here this year, timed perfectly for me to be able to enjoy the lilacs, apple blossoms and now the roses at the peak of bloom!  The roses were especially gorgeous after a day of rain showers.

New red leaves on rose
I love the way the rain drops and fresh sunlight peeking through the clouds add a magical quality to the new leaves and buds.

white rose
Everything all fresh and lovely!

rose bouquet
Some of the roses had to come into the house with me!  While orange roses have never been my favorite, they certainly are stunning and beautiful!

Other parts of the garden are gorgeous too.  This plant (a type of salvia I think or maybe hyssop) is just covered in bees!

Sweet William
My Mom loved Sweet William so much that she named one of her kitties after it!  He is long gone, but these lovelies bloom on!

Columbine like these always make me think of girls in fancy party dresses!  What a joy it has been to have this couple of months living here and enjoying so many of the beautiful flowers that my Mom planted.

Kitzy Cat
We've also been loving her kitty, aka Kitzy Cat.  She is a quiet sweetheart of a cat.  Sadly, she's pretty stressed by the presence of my two kitties and has some health issues of her own.   We are all adjusting gradually.

With the sale of the house, my daughter and I are on the hunt for an apartment as there is a busy week coming up in mid-June!  Within the span of about 5 days we have a wedding to celebrate, need to move out of the house and close on the sale of the house!

My foster son Gary is marrying this lovely young woman, Marcy!  Her Bridal Shower was yesterday!  What a delight it is to have the family growing in such a wonderful way!


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