String of Birds

Bird Strand, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

Do you remember these? Almost two years ago, I made lots of these birds. Since then, they've been sitting in my "unfinished" basket as I hunted for the right cord to string them on.

Bird Strand 1
At Michael's the other day, I found some nice hemp cord that had just the look I was after. Using wooden beads, I strung the birds about 6" apart and made a small beaded tassel to weight the end.

Bird Strand Complete
While I wanted to hang it from the ceiling, away from the wall, I could imagine that it would prove too much temptation for the cats, so I hung it against a wall near my entryway, hoping it would escape their attentions.

It wasn't long and before it attracted their attention anyway! At first it was all innocence.

New Cat toy
But then, Miss Mollie had to have a go at it. She'd have carted the whole strand away if I'd let her!

Look at them fly!
And then Thomas sent it flying!

Keeping the birds safe...
So for now I've looped it up against a nail in hopes of keeping it in one piece. I hope that with time, it won't attract quite so much attention! I must admit that as it hangs now, it's not quite how I'd imagined it looking!


Lora said…
that is so pretty! i love it! and i know my cat would love playing with it, too. too much temptation for kitties, i think! :) maybe you will be able to find another place in your home that will be perfect for it...
Susan Elliott said…
Maybe you could string them along a window curtain...more like a garland...

I too have projects waiting until I find just the right thing to finish them. And it doesn't bother me one bit. I'm very very patient and will often wait for years...

Happy birding.
Phyllis said…
What a cute idea. As soon as I started reading this post I thought - my cats would tear that apart. Sure enough, you pretty birds were trying to defend themselves. Maybe if you hang it from the ceiling, it would be too far up for them to get???
I love your little birds. I like the idea of a bird garland. I may have to have my hand at that.
Wendy said…
I love these little birds. I've been seeing similar strings of birds (though mass produced so nowhere near as nice!) in the shops and keep thinking I should make some for myself. And thanks PlayswithNeedles - great idea about hanging from a curtain rail...
Rachel said…
Is there a bit of wall in the stairwell, so that you can get them out of reach by hanging them somewhere double-height?
pussman and co said…
Thats a good idea!!
The birds are lovely, good embroidery idea!!
And the cat is happy too!
Marty52 said…
Such a temptation for your kitties!! I like Susan's idea of putting them in the window... also, maybe a mobile type arrangement? I love the simplicity of them.
suz said…
As a cat owner I can totally appreciate this! You hope they won't notice, but they are cats after all. I think the window idea is a good one. They were pretty hanging all down the wall.
Anonymous said…
yeah)) it is great present for cat)) very nice birds=) like it!
Jan Quigley said…
Roflol!!!! I can totally relate to this. We currently have a catless home but in our hayday we had 9 cats, who were always on hand to play with beads, pom poms & hanging birds. They were also very happy to sleep test any quilt I was trying to work on. cheers, Jan
Leeann said…
They are just trying to tell you they love your work! ;-0
Leeann said…
They are just trying to tell you they love your work! ;-0

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