The leaves on the oak trees outside my windows are beginning to turn. Right now they are a rather odd green/yellow/gold color but here and there a leaf glows in the amber golden color that they will all turn within a week or so. I love these trees as they are full of life. Pygmy and White Breasted Nuthatches make there home there as well as the Finches, Pine Siskins and Lesser Goldfinches that frequent my feeders. They provide safe haven to the Stellars Jay and Mountain Chickadees as well as the Collared Doves that showed up this summer. Each autumn, I look to see if I can find acorns on the trees, but they are tiny and few and far between and best left to the critters that feed on them. So this year, after seeing the delightful knit acorns by Suze, I decided to knit a bowlful to celebrate autumn! They knit up quickly and use up those oddments of yarn I have tucked away. Bamboo makes even the tiny size 2 needles easy for me to manage!
So far, I've just made a few acorns, using leftover handspun and some bits of fuzzy mohair yarn leftovers. The mohair caps remind me of the fuzzy caps on the Burr Oak acorns that grow in abundance in southwestern Iowa where I went to nursing school. But the mohair is just about gone, so I need to get the spinning wheel out and spin some other brown yarn for the caps!
One of the things I love about autumn is putting the quilts and comforters on the bed. I love the heavy weight of lots of covers. This morning after I got up from a delightful night's sleep, I looked back at the comfy rumpled bed and it's nest of coverings and had to take a picture! The kitties like all the extra covers too and upon waking, I usually find them curled up, the covers tucked up around them on either side of me!