Roses and Peonies
This past week, the grocery store had lovely flowers in my favorite shades of ivory blush and pink. A gorgeous bouquet of peonies and another one of roses came home with me. The roses have opened beautifully. They add a touch of beauty to the simple summer display on top of the china cabinet. Sadly, they don't seem to have any scent at all.
The peonies were in various states of buds and blooms when I bought them. Now, all have opened into lush flower heads. I had forgetten how lovely the scent of peonies can be. So delicate and feminine. Lovely to have the bouquet sitting near to where I am sitting.
I got a new camera this past week and have been playing with it. My old one still works but is becoming outdated and I'm finding it imcompatible with my new laptop. I still think it takes nicer pictures, but that might just be because I am still learning how to operate the new one. The Kitties made great subjects to try the new camera out. Here is handsome Thomas sitting beside the sliding door where he likes to sit and watch the chipmunks, mice and birds at play on the patio.
Miss Mollie becomes Princess Mollie from time to time. Doesn't she look like a pampered and precious kitty sitting on top of the china cabinet amidst the roses, lace and other floral decor?