2021 Update!
Not only am I blogging more regularly, I'm trying to get back to posting more often on my YouTube Channel! This latest video gives a quick update on what kept me from working on all those 2020 projects.
Of course there were other things that kept me from stitching as well. Such as a pandemic. And the fact that I spent a lot of time oil painting!
I also spent every Monday from early June to early October in the mountains. What a blessing it was to have that weekly outing to Rocky Mountain National Park! It was rejuvenating and it also allowed me to spend some extra time with my daughter and youngest grandson as they went with me every other week!

Me in my happy place! I had hiked from Bear Lake up to Bierstadt Lake and then back down. 3 ½ miles - not a terribly long hike, but with my difficult hip and knee, it was a real accomplishment! So happy to be spending time in nature and in the mountains, even on a cloudy day!

Painting in the Kawuneche Valley. Sadly, the fires in October 2020 burned almost up to where I'm standing. The view will be very different. I'm so glad I took the time to stop and paint here and record it for posterity!
I painted just north of that area along the Colorado River. Thankfully, this area did not burn.
It was a good year for my painting skills! I felt like I grew leaps and bounds! Loved being able to take the time to expand my skills. In all, I think I did around 20 paintings from March through early autumn. Then I got side tracked by The Great Photo Project.
What beautiful countryside you are able to visit and paint. Your paintings are lovely.
It was kind of you to open up your home to your friend.
May 2021 be a wonderful year for you ~ FlowerLady
Val xx