Are We Done Yet?

Silly question! Of. Course. Not.
I'm beginning to think that we will still be working on things right up to the hour before the wedding!
Though we have made good progress and with the exception of clean up and one small corner behind the bird feeder that needs mulch, I think we can call the side front finished! Yesterday saw this bed next to the porch finished, with the overgrown daylilies torn out, many roots removed and now replanted with caladiums, bleeding hearts, astrantia and some Indonesian impatiens. The bird feeder is back up and ready for use as well.

On the wall under the kitchen windows, the overgrown daylilies that never bloomed (no wonder, they were packed so tightly you could hardly get a sharp shovel through them) got torn out, and the area mulched. We left the lilies of the valley! There is one small corner left to mulch to the left of the barrel planter. Have to go buy more in order to finish.

The bed around the forsythia bush has been cleaned up, partially mulched and planted with more impatiens and some creeping thyme. We put polymeric sand between the pavers. It was curing nicely. Then we had a terrific night-time thunderstorm gully washer that washed a good part of it out before it finished curing. Oh well! Guess we'll have a second go at it once I get enough energy up to do it again!

Thanks to some generous neighbors, the back patio is finally leveled and is waiting for it's polymeric sand to seal the surface. It's so good to have this done as it was the one project I couldn't do by myself as I can't lift a good portion of these large stones. Even with help! But with the neighbors assistance, we got it done in two evenings! What a relief! Now I need to clean up the overgrown beds along the house. They will be next summer's project along with the pergola over the back of the garage on the far end of the patio. Our new patio furniture should be here next week!
On the side patio, the birdhouse ~ left by previous owners, has it's third brood of baby sparrows in it! This batch must be getting close to leaving the nest. We've counted four little beaks in the opening, so it has to be packed tight with little nestlings!

Tigger, the neighbor's kitty has spent much time on the patio or in the yard with us as we work! She's a friendly little supervisor to have around! Though the sparrows aren't very happy when she's sitting on the porch pillows!

In the back, there are still a few things to do. We have some low fence panels to put up around the deep window well that leads to the sewing room. Don't want a wedding guest falling into it! There is a beam that needs to go beneath the arbor so that we can finish laying the flagstone there to the correct level. Then there is some general cleanup to take place. A pile of dirt that needs moved off the driveway, a bit of sod to be laid to bring the low spot seen in this photo up to level with the rest of the yard, the old storm windows put in storage until I decide what to do with them, and more flagstone to be moved up to the driveway to facilitate Jonathan picking it up late next week. Once those things are completed, I think we'll be close!
I'm taking a day off of yard-work today, other than watering flowers, to do some much overdue stitching. There are a couple of wedding projects to finish and I'm woefully behind on round robins. And I do have to go to work for at least a couple of nights this week and next!
Happy stitching ~ FlowerLady