Crazy Quilting in Miniature

Have you seen the beautiful work of Evy in France?  I was much inspired by a Victorian Sewing Box that she made and the exquisite teeny tiny work on it.  Tiny things have always intrigued me and so I had to have a go at doing a really tiny piece of crazy quilting.

This little piece is only 2 1/2" square.  Silk fabrics were the perfect weight and scale.

These are my two favorites of the four blocks I made.  I included the thimble for scale!  The larger of the blocks is only 3 1/2".

In all, I made four squares.  The top two were my first attempts.  It's definitely different  trying to piece at this scale where none of the pieces is even half an inch wide!  As you can see in my new header above, I'm already stitching on one of the blocks!

Isn't this an amazing winter?  I can't believe how cold it's been here in Colorado this year.  It seems unrelenting.  There is a steady flock of birds at my feeders.  The juncos are there even into the evening hours.  So pretty!

My car sits where it catches the morning sun.  The tires and wheel wells must warm up nicely and be out of the wind, because when it's parked there on these snowy days, the birds have been sitting there non-stop!

Stay warm!  Greeley was 24 below zero last night!  Very unusual for us!


wendy said…
I can't believe the snow and zero temps, we've had this year. So glad the birds found a place to keep warm! Cute picture!
Anonymous said…
Love your new banner and it took me a few seconds to see your little birds in your wheel. I'm so ready for spring:)
I did a mini cq recently for CQJP 2013. My blocks were just under 3". It is very theraputic working on this scale. I still have a few to go before I'm finished with the CQJP blocks but already made a small quilt with what I had done. I love small scale also but also am intrigued by oversized items. Not sure why. Look forward to seeing what you create with yours.
I follow Evy too - and marvel at her work. I'm now also marveling at how tiny your blocks are!
Jenni said…
What kind of threads do you use on this small scale? I'm thinking a heavy perle cotton would overwhelm the tiny fabric pieces. Or am I overthinking this?
Renee said…
Evy's work is amazing. I follow her on Pinterest and Facebook. Beautiful. Your miniature crazy quilts amaze me. I think my smallest attempt was four inches, but you have my brain churning with new ideas.
how sweet to see the birds taking shelter there.

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