Busy Week!
I forgot how busy things can get when buying a new house. So many things to do and think about! Here are a few snapshots from my week as I prepare for my new home!

I headed toward an Antique Mall to see if I could find a better dining room light than what I was seeing in the stores. Needless to say, I got sidetracked when I found this gorgeous bit of embroidery on a circa 1900 shirtwaist!

And I fell in love with this lovely set of violet plates! 10 dessert and sandwich plates each and an assortment of other lovely pieces ~ oh how I'd love to add them to my china collection ~ but I was strong and left them for someone else. I already have "several" sets of china, most of which have been packed away in storage for the past 8 years, so I certainly don't need any more!

Every time I go to this particular Antique Mall, I have to stop and look at the vintage sewing tools in this booth. I just adore these big old velvet strawberry pincushions, but they are a bit beyond my budget. Sure wish they made nice velveteens like this nowadays so I could make my own!

It was good to be able to help my youngest son as he made his first ever car purchase! He worked hard to make it happen and it makes my Mother's heart proud to see him achieve his goals!

There was a bit of time for some knitting ~ and of course it had to be inspected by the kitties!

I debated purchasing new a new bathroom rug for the new house ~ but decided that the bathroom rugs I have are in great shape, so saved myself some money! But I do love that dusty aqua color!

I've looked at endless light fixtures. This one might do for the bathroom when the time comes to do some updating. For the moment it will wait as there are more important areas to update ~ like the kitchen! I've looked at stoves and dishwashers and kitchen cabinets till I see them in my sleep!

I've been debating the joy of this vintage closet which has loads of charm if not much space! At a mere two feet wide and seven feet long with only a small door towards one end (and no room to enlarge it if I want to have a dresser in this room), it will be a challenge to fit my clothes in here! I'm thinking of adding shelves at this end and putting a double rod at the opposite end. My dresses and coats will have to hang in the entry way coat closet. It will be incentive to keep my wardrobe pared down to just what I really need and use!

With two inspections needed, I got to spend lots of time at the house this past week. I love the front terrace and patio of the house and am excited that it appears to have lots of bulbs planted around the base of the tree! Can't wait to see what spring will bring! There are so many decisions to be made as I prepare to move in in just a few weeks time!

On Sunday, I attended the Boulder Bach Festival's opening concert of the season at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder. It's a wonderful building with features that I love, including this cross on the roof. One of the things I enjoyed so much on my trip to England was the music in the cathedrals, and I realized I needed to make more effort to include music more regularly in my life at here. I wasn't disappointed ~ the music was fabulous! I look forward to many more musical events throughout the year!

When I wasn't living in Colorado, one of things I really missed seeing was the beautiful sky here and the fabulous sunsets. What a joy to be able to enjoy skies like this on a daily basis!
I headed toward an Antique Mall to see if I could find a better dining room light than what I was seeing in the stores. Needless to say, I got sidetracked when I found this gorgeous bit of embroidery on a circa 1900 shirtwaist!
And I fell in love with this lovely set of violet plates! 10 dessert and sandwich plates each and an assortment of other lovely pieces ~ oh how I'd love to add them to my china collection ~ but I was strong and left them for someone else. I already have "several" sets of china, most of which have been packed away in storage for the past 8 years, so I certainly don't need any more!
Every time I go to this particular Antique Mall, I have to stop and look at the vintage sewing tools in this booth. I just adore these big old velvet strawberry pincushions, but they are a bit beyond my budget. Sure wish they made nice velveteens like this nowadays so I could make my own!
It was good to be able to help my youngest son as he made his first ever car purchase! He worked hard to make it happen and it makes my Mother's heart proud to see him achieve his goals!
There was a bit of time for some knitting ~ and of course it had to be inspected by the kitties!
I debated purchasing new a new bathroom rug for the new house ~ but decided that the bathroom rugs I have are in great shape, so saved myself some money! But I do love that dusty aqua color!
I've looked at endless light fixtures. This one might do for the bathroom when the time comes to do some updating. For the moment it will wait as there are more important areas to update ~ like the kitchen! I've looked at stoves and dishwashers and kitchen cabinets till I see them in my sleep!
I've been debating the joy of this vintage closet which has loads of charm if not much space! At a mere two feet wide and seven feet long with only a small door towards one end (and no room to enlarge it if I want to have a dresser in this room), it will be a challenge to fit my clothes in here! I'm thinking of adding shelves at this end and putting a double rod at the opposite end. My dresses and coats will have to hang in the entry way coat closet. It will be incentive to keep my wardrobe pared down to just what I really need and use!
With two inspections needed, I got to spend lots of time at the house this past week. I love the front terrace and patio of the house and am excited that it appears to have lots of bulbs planted around the base of the tree! Can't wait to see what spring will bring! There are so many decisions to be made as I prepare to move in in just a few weeks time!
On Sunday, I attended the Boulder Bach Festival's opening concert of the season at St. John's Episcopal Church in Boulder. It's a wonderful building with features that I love, including this cross on the roof. One of the things I enjoyed so much on my trip to England was the music in the cathedrals, and I realized I needed to make more effort to include music more regularly in my life at here. I wasn't disappointed ~ the music was fabulous! I look forward to many more musical events throughout the year!
When I wasn't living in Colorado, one of things I really missed seeing was the beautiful sky here and the fabulous sunsets. What a joy to be able to enjoy skies like this on a daily basis!
In our home growing up, my parents had this same closet. I used to love going in there and hiding in the back among my mothers dresses and fathers suits. There were many hooks on the walls to hold other belongings. I still have dreams of that closet. Thanks for the memories Lisa.
My first thought for your wardrobe was double doors but I guess it would take up more wall space and you want your dresser in your room.
Perhaps you can move your out of season clothes to another bedroom wardrobe. It's a good idea to put shelves in the narrower section.
Good luck with the house it looks lovely!
And your blooms in the Spring will be glorious. I'm so thrilled for you.