Afternoon Light

Afternoon Light, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

I cherish those moments in mid-afternoon when the sun moves around to my side of the building and light comes streaming in. I wanted to share with you a few of the things that delight me as they interact with the light, such as the little ivy candle ring on top of the china cabinet.

Light and Texture
Even my sweater draped across my sewing chair takes on new dimension as the light brings out the lovely textures of the knitting. This photo captures the atmosphere that I strive to create in my home ~ I love the light, the white and the warm touch of green.

It always amazes me how much color there is in what at first glance appears to be simply a green leaf. The afternoon sun brings it to life!

A Shining Moment
A lone African violet blossom catches a single ray of light for a shining moment. This miniature violet has been blooming it's heart out for the past 11 years! It takes a brief rest each winter and then begins to bloom anew each February just in time for Valentines!

Green Ribbon
I recently bought a pair of used lamps whose shades had been reduced to the wire structure. I'll cover the shades one day soon. How surprised I was to look down and discover that one of them had a little green ribbon tied onto it! Brought into view by the afternoon sun!

As I was sitting in my chair reading, I looked over and was intrigued by the play of light on the bubbles ringing the straw in my water class.

Old Shelf view
Looking up the other way, the afternoon light brings out the scrollwork and the aging quirks of my little old shelf. Despite how warped and worn it is, I love its age and imperfections.

Bursting Bloom
The last of the Christmas bulbs from my sister are bursting into bloom. There is such hope in a blossom! I love watching them transform day by day.

A Pensive Moment
The kitties enjoy the afternoon sun as much as I. Here, Miss Mollie is captured in a pensive moment as the light begins to fade.


Leeanne said…
Your photo's are always inspiring.
Tatkis said…
Oh, such beautiful and lovely pictures! Thank you very much for sharing!

Best wishes,
Bonnie said…
I love the cover of The Shepherd's Psalm by FB Meyer. I'm sure I would like the inside too.
Post something when you get done.
What a lovely post! Isn't it wonderful to suddenly "see" and all of these things just seem to appear? Thanks for sharing the photos and the feeling.

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