It has been a sad week in our family with the passing of my Aunt Jean. As a result, I haven't accomplished much but rather have just been working on snippets of things.
One small project has been the bit of beading above. It's an experiment, simply to see what I could do with beading. I marked out a 4" square on a piece of linen and just started stitching. It didn't seem very big when I started, but seems bigger now that I've been stitching on it daily for the last several days! I had no plan in mind, just wanting to build a collage of sorts in shades of white and cream. One thing I've learned ~ clear beads don't show up very well on a white background! I'm liking the combination of embroidery stitching with the beads and sequins for the texture it adds.
A while back, I signed up to swap some crazy quilted Altoid Tins. We received our partners names a while back and were able to look at a list of their preferences for colors and types of embellishments they like. This week I've finished the tops for each tin.
Now I have to attach the tops to each tin and finish decorating them before sending them out at the end of the month.