Under the Sea...

Lauri Bs block, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.
Under the Sea is the theme of the last two round robin blocks that I have worked on. For someone who has never lived near water and only been to the ocean a handful of times, I sure do love these themes!

When Lauri B's blocks arrived, her booklet said that they will become part of a larger work that features lots of mermaids, a few mermen and other fantastical sea creatures. At first, I was thinking about doing another mermaid, but then I thought about Jelly fish and could not get the idea out of my head. The body is made of two layers of organza appliqued down. The tendrils are made up of organza ribbon, a few strands of the curly wool I dyed on Saturday and strands of rayon embroidery floss. I love the way it turned out! May have to make one of these for myself!

Simonas Block
For Simona's block, I couched down some lovely aqua green ribbony yarn with a fly stitch to make a patch of seaweed. The pearl button angel fish were inspired by Meg's work on the previous block which used buttons as the bodies for crabs. I added another little crab to this block as well to carry the theme through. The little starfish was my first attempt at needleweaving loose "petals". I love the effect and will definitely try this again!


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