Getting things done...

Pink Inchies Framed, originally uploaded by ivoryblushroses.

Today was spent completing a few projects that have been in progress for a while. First, I finished framing the set of pink inchies. I was able to find a frame I liked, but it was black, so last week, I painted it white. Today, I basted each inchie down to a piece of white linen backed with a piece of white felt to give it body and then mounted it to a piece of mat board before framing it. I'm quite happy with the way it turned out!

Inspiration board
Another project was finishing up an inspiration board. I've wanted a nice one for ages. The frame was honey oak, which I had orginally planned to put an oil painting in. It didn't go with anything I had, so I never used it. For this project, I white washed the frame and put a linen covered board in it. Now it will hang in my study/studio room where I'll pin up the bits and pieces that inspire me and it will also act as my design board when I'm creating a new project!

White Rose topiary
While getting the board cut for the inspiration board, I spent some time perusing the garden area too and ended up coming home with a white rose topiary to plant in a pot on my patio! It's still a bit cold at night here, so for now, I plunked it in an empty pot in my living room. I must admit that I love the way it looks here!

White Rosebud

White Rose
How lovely to have rose buds and blossoms in the apartment!


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