A New Little Pincushion!
My ankle is doing enough better, that I've been able to return to work this past week. Changing back to a night schedule has resulted in being awake at odd hours of the night. I find those good times to sit and stitch! The result of last nights sleepless hours was this little pincushion! This one uses the metal lids from frozen juice concentrate to form the base.
I love these colors! Soon, my entire home will be clothed in shades of mossy green, natural linen and shades of creamy white!
The paperwhites have just begun to bloom! This year, I'm trying something new. My mother sent me a tip by a gentleman from Cornell University. Once the bulbs have sent out roots and the foliage is a couple inches high, water them with a mix of 7 parts water to 1 part vodka (or white rum or gin). This is supposed to keep the plants shorter so they don't flop over so easily. So far, I have to say it seems to be working quite well!
The miniature African Violet is also blooming like mad! This little plant is 9 years old and blooms 9 months of the year! I love that it puts out so many blooms in the middle of January!