Merry Christmas!
Wishing each and every one of you
A Very Merry and Blessed Christmas!
While I know it has been dry and warm through much of the U.S., here in Colorado, it has been snowy and cold and it's looking like northern Colorado will have a white Christmas! Last night we had a couple inches of snow to top off the 13 inches we had last week. So fresh and beautiful, especially when I don't have to drive to Denver and back in it! It was a perfect opportunity to get outside and take some lovely wintry photographs!
For a brief while, the skies cleared and the snow covered branches were like enormous snowflakes against an impossibly blue sky. Just amazing!
Inside, the first pot of paperwhites are blooming. Their scent, mingled with that of pine smells like Christmas to me!
I finished a bit of Christmas stitching... a large Mug Mat for my brother in law! Since he doesn't read my blog, I can share it here!
Though I'll be working through the holiday, I've had a lovely week off leading up to Christmas. It's been peaceful and restful, something I desperately needed. It was also filled with lovely things such as seeing a wonderful performance of The Nutcracker Ballet by the Longmont Dance Theater (which my DIL Marcy works for!), seeing the new Star Wars movie with my daughter, and lots of fun stitching per the request of two of my sons, which I'll share after Christmas! Thomas has loved having me home and we've had lots of good snuggles in the big chair in the evenings. He talks to me constantly and so I leave you with this fun photo of Thomas wishing you all a Meowy Christmas!
Rengin, in Istanbul
Your stitchery is wonderful too.
Love, hugs and peace this Christmas and may 2016 be a very good year.