Coasters for Christmas

Today, I took a break from gift making and instead made some Christmasy coasters for the apartment. I'd seen some lovely ones made from wool felt that Molly Chicken had posted from the Japanese crafing magazine, Cotton Time. Pure wool felt isn't available here but I did find some nice deep heathery green wool and rayon felt with a nice feel to it. I was at a loss for a nice creamy ivory colored felt. Then I spied my needle book with needle pages made of a heavy creamy flannel that I made several years ago. With pinked edges, the pages were still in great shape despite much use, so I thought I'd try using the flannel. Luck was with me as I still had some of the flannel in my fabric stash! A little bit of Ecru pearl cotton embroidery and voila! Christmas coasters that go with my green and white decorating!